SEO Friendly Content Tips: Writing an SEO friendly article, or doing SEO content writing is as important as having an SEO oriented website design. Apart from choosing good website themes and visuals/graphics, one must pay attention to the content they are posting on the website.
Pro Tip: Write content for your audience not for search engines. If your audience loves the content, then search engine will automatically love it and rank your article higher.
Here are some proven tips to write SEO optimized articles which would help you in developing SEO friendly article and rank higher in google search engine:
- Write target-oriented content
- Improve content’s readability score
- Make article meaningful
- Use Visuals, Images or Videos
- Write for featured snippets
- Improve content writer’s identity
- Research before writing content
Let’s discuss all of these points in detail.

1. Write Target-oriented Content
Your target-oriented content will not reach your expected target if you fail to use appropriate keywords. Keywords usher your content to the search result pages if the SEO is done right and the keywords are used effectively in the quality content. You need to use targeted keywords to develop an SEO friendly article and are considered as good SEO content writing tips.
Target keywords are the core words or phrases your target audience search for on the internet. These keywords are one way or another connected to interests, pain points, or expectations of your target.
- If you know who is your target segment
- What kind of information the segment searches for.
- Why do they need the information?
- Which phrases or words they are using to get this information, etc.
In short, you will do the audience research and accordingly do a keyword search. Once this is done, you can choose the relevant topics and mention these keywords to develop an SEO friendly article.
2. Improve Content’s Readability
Don’t you think your job is done just because you have found out the right keywords for the content and you are doing an SEO friendly article content writing? Your job had just started when you used to consider the keywords; this was wise of you. However, the real task is to write an effective content with a positive readability score. You can take the help of WordPress plugins like Yoast SEO plugin, Grammarly, and semrush writing assistant.
If you wish your content to get ranked on the search engines, your content has to be worth it. To develop content with positive readability and impact on the readers, it advised taking care of the overall tone, use of graphics, positioning of those graphics, choosing the right feature image for the content, etc.
Only if your overall appeal is good, the reader will stay on the page. If people are reading your content, then Google is liking it too. To incorporate the element of readability into the content, you need to include the following aspects of content writing:
- Clarity
- Logic
- Simplicity
- Content Flow
Along with the website loading speed, the content readability also decides the content position in search engine. More the readability of the content more is the readers’ engagement rate; More the engagement rate, the higher the chance of getting ranked.
3. Make Your Content Meaningful
Content would be able to make the desired effect on the readers only if they find some meaning in it. Tell your writers to write content that is deep and clear and interactive. Readers do not wish to waste time on reading boarding and illogical content; they would rather stock people on social media then!
Plus, search engines are not a bunch of fools! They know which content is worthy of an original and which one is copied and plagged! They will not rank such content.
Hence, to avoid wasting your and other’s time, write meaningful and quality content that would engage people and make them stay on the page for a long time. Here are probably a few of the best SEO friendly article writing tips for you to write a meaningful and deep content:
- Write a 1000-2000 words blog.
- Choose a topic on which such a huge content could be written
- Do not talk about what is already being talk, give your readers something more to read.
- Mention factual data, real-life example, anecdote to make your content a good read.
- Prevent content from spam comments using WordPress antispam plugins.
4. Visuals Are As Important As The Content
As per the information is given on, 41.5% of digital marketers agree that visuals and images work the best. As per Skyword research, articles that include graphics and relevant images observe 94 percent more views. Plus, visuals are attractive and kind of entertaining too.
This happens because our mind likes to and enjoys visuals, videos, and animations more than mere textual content. We tend to remember visual data more than the textual one. However, to enjoy the benefits of the visuals in the content, one must know where and how to use the visuals; otherwise, there is a chance of you ruining the content.
5. Featured Snippets
One of the best SEO friendly articles tips 2020 would be to remember to develop content for featured snippets. Featured snippets are little sections that display the resultant information of the search made by the users. As per Google, these blocks are visible on the resultant page of the search engine, if users ask a question.
This block is displayed at the top of the page, a position everybody wishes for. Here is how you can get your content in the snippet block:
- Make sure your content is of the highest quality.
- Give definite answers to the question in your content.
- Use bullets or numbering
- Have a flow in the content
- Mention facts, if needed.
6. Genuine Identity of the Content Creator
Google keeps improving and updating its quality assessment parameters. Google crawls get updated regularly. Even Google has made it a point that if the content creator has an original identity, he/she is the expert in the matter of the discussion, then such content adds to the page’s quality.
Hence, content with a credit line given to the person of authority is more credible and are accepted by readers.
7. Research is Mandatory for SEO Friendly Articles
If you wish to get your content ranked on the search engine pages, you better write SEO friendly articles where the content is a product of thorough research. Original content attracts Google’s attention and helps SEO.
Research is recommended as it allows you to put your thoughts in your words; this also adds a sense of uniqueness to the content. Enticehq has also discussed on proper research in their article on content development. If you can add your observations, facts, statistics to the content, your content will be more reliable, readable, and share-worthy.
There are a few statistics (you can easily search for them on the internet which reflects the importance of well-researched content).
All of the above-stated tips are considered as the best tips to write SEO friendly articles. If you know some more tips, drop them in the comment.
Great information! Thanks a lot.